Our HOYS Finalist Results!
After a challenging year of qualifying shows, one of our very one employees family managed to get two qualifications for two classes at Horse of the Year Show that took place last week!
Samantha Bebbington and her pony Willoway Court Jester travelled down to the NEC on Thursday to compete in the Mountain and Moorland Working Hunter Pony against 20 others, where they claimed a fantastic 7th place. Putting them at the fabulous ranking of 7th in the country for that particular class!
They then travelled back down on the Sunday to compete in the Not Exceeding 153cm (Height) Working Hunter Pony Class to come a credited 13th! Putting them at the great ranking of 13th in the country for this section!
Everybody here in the office is incredibly proud of your achievement Sammy and we all wish you a very big WELL DONE.

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