Why you should choose Bespoke over High-street Stores

High-street stores offer people a quick fix. They have the expensive suits and the “cheaper” suits. They have a variety of suits, well work and evening – not exactly a variety. They have material that could be a lot better and they have a sizing system that means you have to try on every suit you ever want to buy from them. Continue reading “Why you should choose Bespoke over High-street Stores”

The Most Prestigious Horse Show of the Year…


Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) is one of the most prestigious Equine Events of the year.


With a variety of different classes to watch from Show Jumping with the renown Whittaker’s, the showing classes, the amazing talents and celebrity guests, pony club games and the Shetland Grand National. There is definitely something for everybody. Continue reading “The Most Prestigious Horse Show of the Year…”

Button Sizes, easy to understand?

Having to know what size button to get is not an everyday occurrence for people. Unless of course you are a tailor, or are in the clothing manufacturing industry. For many, we know when we need a small button, or when we need a big button. Or that shirts have smaller buttons than coats. But I doubt we could tell what their size was, or even know how to measure one. Continue reading “Button Sizes, easy to understand?”