When it comes to choosing a wedding suit, men have a wide range of options to choose from. Whether it’s a formal black tie affair or a casual outdoor wedding, there are various styles, colours, and fabrics to consider.
Continue reading “Mens Wedding Suit Ideas for 2023“Guide to Finding the Right Funeral Suit
Shopping for funeral attire can be a stressful and emotional business. In the back of your mind you may find yourself doubting whether your chosen suit is appropriate or respectful enough.
Continue reading “Guide to Finding the Right Funeral Suit“Suit trends for 2023
As working from home becomes nothing but a distant memory for many and the winter draws in it is definitely time to start thinking about the suit wardrobe. Whether your cold weather suits need replacing or you’re planning ahead for spring and summer this article has you covered, looking at what’s on trend in the men’s suit world for the coming year.
Continue reading “Suit trends for 2023”Men’s Suit Ideas for Summer 2022

With more of us back in the office as each month passes thoughts are turning to freshening up the summer suit section of the wardrobe as for many it will have been a while since the need has arisen to wear a suit and your suits may no longer fit or you may just fancy a change.
Continue reading “Men’s Suit Ideas for Summer 2022”Best Men’s Summer Suits for 2021
How we will all go about our working lives post-pandemic is still rather up in the air, with some employees favouring a continuation of working from home and the majority of firms favouring more time spent in the office.
Continue reading “Best Men’s Summer Suits for 2021”Business Suits set to make a Return in 2021
As the Prime Minister announces the so-called roadmap for reopening the UK and with the vaccine rollout continuing apace there is cause for some optimism that life could slowly start to return to some kind of normality in the second half of 2021. Many of us used to working in offices and going to actual real life meetings have become accustomed to working from home and carrying out our meetings online.
Continue reading “Business Suits set to make a Return in 2021”How to choose the right suit
We’re constantly being told that we must adjust to the “new normal”. This virus and the restrictions it has led to are not going away in a hurry. But, with many of us going back to the office, or at least having more business interactions, whether virtual or in person, that “new normal” doesn’t mean going back to old habits good and bad.
Continue reading “How to choose the right suit”Men’s Suit Ideas for summer 2020
Most of us who habitually wear suits to work will be either furloughed or working from home, which might make it feel like the wrong time to think about buying a suit, but with summer around the corner hopefully bringing with it a return to some kind of normality as well as a very welcome excuse to freshen up our summer suit game, it is actually a very good time to get cracking.
Continue reading “Men’s Suit Ideas for summer 2020”Mens Business Suit Styles for 2019
Times change, fashions wax and wane, trends come and go, ephemeral and capricious, but one universal truth remains: the business suit is the cornerstone of male fashion.
Continue reading “Mens Business Suit Styles for 2019”Men’s Summer Suit Ideas for 2019
It may be hard to get past the cold, wintry weather but late winter is always the best time to begin planning your suit ideas for the hot, sticky weather come summer time. Continue reading “Men’s Summer Suit Ideas for 2019”